8 Elements. The Elements of Music and Their DefinitionsElement of Music – DynamicsElement of Music – FormElement of Music – HarmonyElement of Music – MelodyElement of Music – RhythmElement of Music – TextureElement of Music – TimbreElement of Music – TonalityThe Concepts of MusicBelow you will find a simple definition of each of the Elements of Music In other blog articles each of the elements will be explained in more detail There is no order of importance for the following and teaching these concepts can be done in whatever order you choose These are in alphabetical order for convenience If you would like a copy of the Elements of Music Mind Map.

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Setting Where and when is the story set? Setting represents both the physical location butCharacter A person or animal or really anything personified There can be one mainPlot The plot consists of the events that happen in the story In a plot you typically find anConflict Every story must have a conflict ie a challenge or problem around which the plot isTheme Idea belief moral lesson or insight It’s the central argument that the author is tryingPointofview “Who” is telling the story? First person (“I”) or third person (“he/she/it”) LimitedTone The overall emotional “tone” or meaning of the story Is it happy funny sadStyle This is how things are said Word choices sentence structure dialogue metaphor.
118 Elements and Their Symbols and Atomic Numbers …
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Identify What Will Be Improved Since most change occurs to improve a process a productPresent a Solid Business Case to Stakeholders There are several layers of stakeholders thatPlan for the Change This is the “roadmap” that identifies the beginning the route to be takenProvide Resources and Use Data for Evaluation As part of the planning process resourceCommunication This is the “golden thread” that runs through the entire practice of changeMonitor and Manage Resistance Dependencies and Budgeting Risks Resistance is a veryCelebrate Success Recognizing milestone achievements is an essential part of any projectReview Revise and Continuously Improve As much as change is difficult and even painful it.