Anna Medika. Anna Medika was born circa 1862 at birth place Illinois to Fred Medika Anna had 6 siblings Chas Medika Mary Medika and 4 other siblings Anna lived on month day 1870 at address Illinois Find family history information in a whole new way Create a free family tree for yourself or for Anna Medika and we’ll search for valuable new information for you Get started 1920 United.

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This research uses a quasiexperimental method (preexperiment / quasi experimental design) The variable of this study is the effect of the delay of the Widal Slide Method examination The population was 25 patients at Anna Medika Madura Public Hospital while the sample was 25 respondents The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.
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Rumah sakit Anna Medika Bekasi adalah rumah sakit umum (RSU) milik Swasta dan merupakan salah satu rumah sakit tipe C yang terletak di wilayah Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat Rumah sakit ini memberikan pelayanan di bidang kesehatan yang didukung oleh layanan dokter spesialis serta ditunjang dengan fasilitas medis lainnya.
Anna Medika Historical records and family trees …
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