Ikan Mas Koki Ryukin. The Fantail goldfish is the western form of the Ryukin and possesses an eggshaped body a high dorsal fin a long quadruple caudal fin and no shoulder hump Lionhead Oranda Pearlscale The fancy lionhead has a hood This fish is the precursor to the ranchu The fancy oranda is characterised by a prominent raspberrylike hood (also known as wen or head growth) that.

Ikan Mas Koki Ryukin Sakura Broad Tail Shopee Indonesia ikan mas koki ryukin
Ikan Mas Koki Ryukin Sakura Broad Tail Shopee Indonesia from shopee.co.id


Goldfish Wikipedia


Ikan Mas Koki Ryukin Sakura Broad Tail Shopee Indonesia
