Lega In English. lega noun alloy [noun] a mixture of two or more metals league [noun] a union of persons nations etc for the benefit of each other league [noun] a grouping of sports clubs for games league [noun] an old measure of distance (about 48 km).
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Search more than 10000 legal words and phrases for clear definitions written in plain language An easytounderstand guide to the language of law from the dictionary experts at MerriamWebster.
LEGA Translation in English bab.la
Contextual translation of “maksud perkataan lega” into English Human translations with examples exco lunak nukilan disbursed maksud root word.
MerriamWebster's Law Dictionary: Legal Terms in Plain English
English translation of 'lega' /ghe [ˈleɡa ] feminine noun 1 (Politics Football) league lega doganale customs union far lega (con qn) contro qn/qc to be in league (with sb) against sb/sth See la Lega delle Nazioni See Lega Nord.
Maksud perkataan lega in English with contextual examples
lega adjective 1 open plenty of room 2 relieved without worries alangkah leganya! what a relief! saya merasa lega mendengar bahwa Anda tidak luka I was relieved to hear you weren't injured.
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“lega” Collins ItalianEnglish English Translation of
What Is Legal English? ThoughtCo
lega definition in the ItalianEnglish Dictionary
The specialized variety (or occupational register) of the English language used by lawyers and in legal documents is called legal English As David Mellinkoff has noted legal English includes “distinctive words meanings phrases and modes of expression” ( The Language of the Law 1963) A pejorative term for abstruse forms of legal English is legalese Author Richard NordquistOccupation English And Rhetoric Professor.