Makhraj Al Halq. PDF filein which the sound is cut is the makhraj of that letter Examples the makhraj of the (ba’) is the lips the makhraj of the (fa’) is the inside of the bottom lip when it is touched by the top front teeth 2 The Second Main Makhraj AlHalq (the throat).
PDF fileDi dalamnya pula terdapat 17 makhraj huruf khusus 1 AlHalq)قُْلَحْلا( Ia bermaksud kerongkong tekak atau halkum Teradapat 6 huruf kesemuanya yang keluar dari kerongkong tekak iaitu ( خ غ ع ح ه ء) 6 Huruf Halqi tersebut pula terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian khusus a) Pangkal kerongkong (ه ء) b) Tengah kerongkong ( ح ع) c) Hujung Kerongkong ( خ غ) 2 AlLisan.
Video 3 Makhraj Al Halq Point Of Articulation Of The Throat
MakharijulHurouf (Articulation points/places of letters)