Radiator Pcx. Page 22 10/02/17 165209 32KWN600_022 RADIATOR CAP LABEL DANGER NEVER OPEN WHEN HOT Hot coolant will scald you Relief pressure valve begins to open at 11 kgf/cm ACCESSORIES AND LOADING WARNING LABEL WARNING ACCESSORIES AND LOADING The safety stability and handling of this motorcycle may be affected by the addition of accessories and luggage.
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Bisniscom JAKARTA Kipas radiator merupakan sebuah komponen dalam mobil kipas radiator seharusnya hanya menyala ketika mobil digunakanNamun ada kasus kipas radiator nyala terus kendati mesin belum hidup Dilansir dari Auto2000 jika kipas radiator langsung menyala ketika mobil mati pasti Anda menjadi tidak nyaman.
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Rock the engine forward and you run into clearance problems between the front wheel and radiator Rock it back and the rear cylinder takes up valuable volume that could be used for the battery and the electrical system or the shock absorber The result is that 90degree Vtwin sport bikes tend toward the long side with the TL and 916 shortest at 557 and 556.
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