Secret Chat Cancelled Telegram. While regular chats are clientserver/serverclient encrypted and are saved encrypted into Telegram Cloud What does secret chat cancelled mean in Telegram? While you have started a secret chat in Telegram with someone by mistake and you wish to end the same you can simply do it by deleting the chat As you delete the chat a message saying ‘Secret Chat Canceled’ will appear on your and the other person’s screen with whom you have ended the conversation.
What is ‘Telegram Secret Chat Canceled’? The Telegram app might show you “Secret Chat Canceled” at times That alert gets triggered when a Telegram secret chat got deleted by your contact If the chat thread was not purged intentionally he or she probably logged out of Telegram Consequently the conversation gets terminated.
Cancelled Secret Chat : Telegram
Answer (1 of 3) If you have set a timer in which it will be deleted in it will be deleted after that time but if you want to delete it before then you do it like on the regular one tap and hold then delete.
How to cancel a secret chat in Telegram Quora
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What does secretchatcancelled mean? I was chatting with someone then I took a bit of break when I came back online I saw Secretchatcancelled on my screen I deleted the chat from my device & logged out of my accountdoes she still have the messages I sent her?.