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Shop Package Insurance Shop Package Insurance (for broker business) Marine Cargo Hull (Smallcraft) Third Party Liability Cover for Local Fishing Vessel Local Vessel Class II Third Party Liability Cover Employees’ Compensation (Eng) Employees’ Compensation (Chi) Fire Theft Burglary Money and All Risks Policies.
TuGo: Travel Insurance Phone, Email, Social Media
Effective March 16 2020 and until further notice Claims at TuGo’s physical offices are closed but our call centre is still open To make a claim please submit online call 18006630399 or email claims@tugocom For all other travel insurance inquiries please call 18559298846 or email info@tugocom Customer Service Hours English.
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News,Tugu Insurance Co. Ltd.,德高保險有限公司
Canadianowned and operated for nearly 60 years TuGo specializes in products & services that support travellers’ health wellness and safety across Canada and around the globe As one of Canada’s top travel insurance providers TuGo offers 24/7 inhouse emergency travel medical assistance with support in 27 languages.